Rental Car…

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Rental Car

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Can someone explain the last panel?

, edited

He meant intensive purposes, as in purposes marked by intensity, e.g. intense meaning extreme degrees of cool/danger/fun. I think the last panel is meant to be them flying through the air in the car, so the intensive purpose the renter had in mind is to drive extremely fast and jump it extremely high.

Just a guess, but that's my feeling on it.

I think that's the intended intensive purpose.

For me to not get it? Man, guess I am *really* out of the loop. Haha

It's a rental for all intents and purposes because they ain't gonna have to pay for it.

Hmm, that helps explain the treatment of the car, (so now I get what's happening in the last panel, thanks for that) but I still don't get it.

It's just the juxtaposition between a suicide and talking about grammar (in this case, an eggcorn) that creates the humor.

He wouldn't have said "intensive purposes" if it wasn't integral to the joke. He's doing an intense thing in the last panel.