Informed opinion…

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Informed opinion

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I still love X&Y, it's a great album

Which means I get to say the new stuff sucks like every fan of every long-running musical act ever!

For real though I stopped listening to the new releases long ago, after there were two albums in a row I didn't care for. It seems popular. Good for the people that like it

the new stuff sucks like every fan of every long-running musical act ever!

Except Radiohead fans.

Coldplay is the U2 of late millenials. Do with that info, what you will

Im Gen X and only knew them in their corporate rock phase. Did they ever have a kind of underground stage where they were massively influential like U2 had been?

I don't know if it was "underground", because their second album was very commercially successful, but they definitely did have a fair bit of influence. They were quite well regarded in the early 00s, and then in the late 00s to early 10s a whole bunch of pop-rock acts influenced by them cropped up

Primus sucks.

What, you didn't like Pork Soda? 😂

Me either.