Elon Musk has control of federal servers — and, yes, Hillary Clinton has something to say about that

submitted by MicroWave@lemmy.world



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I really hope what she has to say is "In hindsight, I sure was wrong about having a private email server and using it for government work. I don't know why, but it took me until Elon Musk started running private servers at government offices to realize that only fully vetted government servers should be used on government networks."

But, that's probably not it.

Why is Hillary posting on X. These people need to go over to BlueSky

Because she needs the center right folks to see her posts

How'd that work out for her and Harris?

Hilary Clinton was the target of a twenty plus year campaign of character assassination. The reasons for her failings have more to do with that than not appealing to enough progressives at the expense of centrists

You spelled Mastodon with almost none of the right letters.

you spelled Sharkey with almost none of the right letters

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This is great. Yes, I hate Hillary with the white hot heat of seven suns too.

We need anyone with influence to be shining a light on this. She will reach a portion of the people that aren’t following reason. Hell, I applauded Joe fucking Rogan for a critical piece on Trump.

We’re stronger united.

Rogan was critical of trump? The fuck? He helped get the fucker elected.

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Oh he’s awful alright. He’s a notoriously soft interviewer who gives his large platform to misinformation, but he also pressed Trump over “having the election stolen,” and agreed to disagree.

That doesn’t mean anything to you or me, but it may add uncertainty to a brain dead Rogan/Trump follower.

I also believe he cancelled on Kamala. Apparently she did agree to an interview and then he dropped her over "scheduling issues" but still had Trump come on.

Daddy said he had to choose

Because Elon told him to

O wow, I didn't watch the interview and have no intention to. I used to watch him when he had people like NDT and other science related people.

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Even those can be a rough watch. Neil has a bad habit of speaking with conviction on topics outside his expertise, and Rogan just sits there saying “wow.”

That's true, I have noticed NDT likes to step outside his field of study but at least he isn't trying to politically motivate people to vote for fascist. So yea he has his flaws but at least he is pushing people towards science.

When you "unite" with certain people you become weaker

It's interesting how no matter what level of depravity the Republicans are doing currently and how many news outlets are talking about it ad naseum, Microwave always finds the angles that pit progressives against liberals and centrists. He's more transparent than Kanye's date's dress at the grammys.

Is it really incitement just to post an article featuring the Democratic nominee from 2016? The connection to email servers is relevant.

Hmm gee why would anyone post articles that are vaguely negative about the Democratic establishment. Right now they're fighting the blatent corruption going on in our country by doing:

Don't forget all the things they did to protect federal workers like:

But of course you can't forget the ways they got popular policy enacted when their man was in office. Policy like:

It could be that Microwave is seeking such takes out because he's trying to control the conversation in that way, or it could be that such takes are the easiest to find because the mainstream media is trying to control the conversation in that way.

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Oh good, problem solved. Everyone can quit worrying now by golly.

Username checks out

Does Musk have a security clearance? Has he accessed documents for programs that he hasn't been read in? I would go to jail if I did the latter. Our country's security is being compromised and no one is doing anything.

Yes, you'd go to jail because you're not rich. Remember, laws for thee, not for me

Wiping the servers with a cloth or something

You mean the Hillary Clinton who said that it was okay to have different public versus private opinions on things, as an elected official, who got PAID to give speeches to wall Street, who used her influence to get the apparatchiks of the party to tip the scales in 2016 to ensure that SHE would be the nominee instead of an anti neo liberal who could have put up an amazing contrast to djt instead of her neoliberal centrism? The one who insisted that SHE needed to be president, and who very much helped us to get into the situation we find ourselves in today?
Oh, cool. I am very much interested in what she has to say, because of course she holds the interests of the country above her own

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who said that it was okay to have different public versus private opinions on things, as an elected official

I mean, I actually agree with this in theory. An elected official may not personally agree with something, even if they’re willing to vote it in. That’s just the nature of politics, because a representative should actually *represent* the people who voted them in, even if they don’t agree with every single fine detail. Sure, it’s worth examining whether their private opinions are affecting their public voting record. But at least in theory, there’s nothing wrong with voting differently than what your personal opinion would dictate.

For instance, what if a closeted racist gets voted in, but votes for DEI initiatives because it’s what their voter base would want? Sure, that’s a rare example, but it would be possible and should even be encouraged in that instance. In practice, it’s more likely that the closeted racist would get elected and then try to enact racist policies that align with their racist views. But at least on paper, the idea of “representatives shouldn’t have to agree with every single thing they vote for” is sound.

At best, that is the nice way to describe treason.

I'm sorry but I think you fail to understand how this plays out in the real world, and you are justifying elected officials lying to the public.

Your devotion to the "team" is requiring you to perform mental gymnastics which demand that you ignore the obvious and then come up with an idealistic situation that justifies being lied to.

That is crazy scary

In 1994 the Clinton admin (her and Bill literally ran as a "two for one" in case you didn't know) did the largest RIF in federal history cutting a quarter million feds out. Using mostly the same methods trump is today.

The numbers were just now coming back.

So really, she's probably just mad he's doing such a bad job of it, or more likely gloating that she did it better to her inner circle.

But there's a reason trump was a big do or back then, and why the Clinton's went to his wedding.

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It's crazy to watch how people have blotted Trump's decades of pandering to every corner of the NY political establishment (while laundering money for the mob and their friends in the dirty-as-dishwater NYPD). Nevermind how the Epstein web neatly ensnared liberals and conservatives alike, for the purpose of extorting them to enrich his investor clients and enhance his credibility as a powerful insider lobbyist.

Trump's the symptom of a much deeper rot. Our refusal to acknowledge that is as much a part of the problem with the modern political landscape as his actual presidency. Its the reason why guys like Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries are so impotent in their opposition.

The Clintons, the Bushes, Bloomberg, the Cuomos, Bracewell & Giuliani, Howard Lutnick and the Cantor Fitzgerald investment bank, Bill Akman and Russell Vought... they're all friends from way back. This doesn't begin and end with one bruised ego in 2014. If Mathew Thomas Crooks had been a better shot, the administrative state would still be getting demolished right now.

People are downvoting you, but you're absolutely right. These youngsters don't know just how much (most) people adored Trump up until ~2015.

I still think Bill and Hillary have/had an open marriage and that they only went with adultery because they figured it would be easier for the public to stomach than the truth which (I believe ) is likely to be a purely political marriage with secret lovers often.

how much (most) people adored Trump up until ~2015.

I'm not "old" but I'm not young either, I don't remember any period where people liked Trump all that much. Maybe it's because I'm from NY and have pretty much heard about his bullshit on the news my whole life.

It's always blown my mind how people from NY could love him suddenly when our whole lives it's been one article after another about some scumbag thing he did to contractors, or something with a woman. He'd go on Howard Stern and just be a pig with him. Maybe some people liked that part of him, but I never got the impression people liked Trump at least from the 90s onward.

I probably shouldn't have used the word "adored" there. I mean personally I knew of his existence but I didn't really have an opinion on the guy one way or another until his presidential run in 2015. Didn't like him then and voted against him then.

I think most people had neutral to positive views on Trump before 2015. I mean you can go look at basically any old magazines he's mentioned in. Old news articles. He is mostly spoken about in a positive way. The language around Trump and his public image totally changed after 2016.

These youngsters don’t know just how much (most) people adored Trump up until ~2015.

It's not that people adored him.

It's that he paid neoliberals to do things that favored the wealthy over average Americans, and Dems were more than happy to take his money and give him what he wants.

He gave for decades, he got more out of it than some wedding guests. As much as trump never paid his workers, he always paid his politicians.

And that's what they cared about.

We can't fix the country till we fix our party, and that means tossing a shit ton of rotten old apples out.

Where the fuck do I sign. Old apples all gotta go. If there is a minimum age we gotta set a maximum age. Hell I'll take 70, but let's aim for 65 or less huh?

I still think Bill and Hillary have/had an open marriage and that they only went with adultery because they figured it would be easier for the public to stomach than the truth which (I believe ) is likely to be a purely political marriage with secret lovers often.

What's wrong with that? Don't get me wrong, I hate both of them, but out of all the things to call out about the Clintons, why that?

Nothing wrong with it. I didn't intend to paint it as a negative if it came across that way. More just my personal belief on that relationship and what happend when he got caught. I think they thought that more Americans would be able to stomach a cheating president than one in a "fake" marriage. Which today sounds nuts, but the political climate in the 1990s was significantly different.

Fair point!

I was born in the 1970s I have no idea what you are talking about.

I guess you didn't open a newspaper or turn on a TV very often then.

No I grew up in NJ. Most people thought he was a blowhard and an asshole around me but then again I grew up in a town filled with bankers and financiers so they likely knew him IRL. He was always a fucking clown.

Ah. Fair enough. I literally knew nothing about him growing up as a kid in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Other than the fact that he was the "you're fired" guy.

Until he ran in 2015 he was just some vague celebrity that I remembered seeing once in awhile. Whenever he was mentioned in conversation it was neutral or making fun of him saying "you're fired".

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How does pedo-donni ass taste? Actually never mind.

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because fuck you it doesn’t effect me.

I wish I was psychic like you, knowing why people are really laughing rather than at the absurdity of this man-child.

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I love how you just assume that everyone on Lemmy is from the US.

.. And it is funny, it's something a 5 year old would announce, so her chuckling reaction was actually quite humanising.

How are you personally affected by the renaming of the Gulf of Mexico?

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I think you should stick to porn (not the pedo one) and videogame, the world is too complex for you little brain.

I'm not american you idiot. You are pedo enabler, you let Epstein's best friend win, and now he's gonna make you suffer all. YOU deserve all the shit that's coming at you. And Lol, Biden's laptop story coming from people who elected a rapist dictator. Your pedo-prez pardons rapist on a daily basis. Keep jerking the 1% like you always did.

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LOL, it's on fucking tape you loser, straight from the horse's mouth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDK5ttnzz4

But all the low-iq idiots like you will just pretend it doesn't exist, because pedo-don could kill a guy in front of you just for pleasure, the republican cult would only jerk him harder. You are mentally incapable of defending yourself against the 1%' propaganda (btw, they all think you people are pathetic tools, the only thing I will concede to them).

Honestly, someone should check your hard drive, defending pedophile is disgusting and sick.

She is better than all of us

I didn't get that at all. Sorry your feelings are different.

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