Ocasio-Cortez: Musk ‘one of the most unintelligent billionaires I have ever met’

submitted by MicroWave@lemmy.world



Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called Elon Musk “one of the most unintelligent billionaires” she has ever met.

She criticized DOGE for placing unqualified 19-year-olds in Treasury positions and failing to do “their homework.”

Musk’s team has accessed the Treasury’s $6 trillion payment system, raising security concerns. Ocasio-Cortez warned of his “lack of intelligence and expertise,” calling him “morally vacant.”

DOGE has also shut down USAID and moved it under the State Department.


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Musk is the personification of an idiot’s concept of a genius.

In my job I've dealt with a number of multi-millionaires and I'm usually struck by just how dumb and incompetent they are.

The economy does not reward hard work or intelligence, it rewards hubris and megalomania.

Those qualities occasionally help people break through to wealth, but mostly the economy rewards already being rich. Having rich parents is how you become rich.

"But I have no intelligence but plenty of hubris with aspirations of megalomania" - The Average American.

The funny thing is that as much hubris as some folks show, they have nothing on those that have it in them to get to multi-millionaire status.

You'll see someone so full of hubris and just talking out of their ass, but faced with a question or statement that derails their talk, even those people will kind of pause while their brain struggles with what the hell just happened, before carrying on generally still out of their ass, but they stammered for a bit to get back to that hubris.

Those that have the real hubris in them, don't even bat an eye. They don't even consider for a millisecond that information inconsistent with their world view is worth processing.

*while wearing a cross


That's why trump and maga have so much faith in him.

Yep. Weirdly, they thought EVs were going to make them gay, but now they loooooove fElon. Probably because they now realize he's maybe just as stupid as donvict.

His dock doesn't float, his wonder fuel is a disaster, his grasp of disruption theory is remedial at best, he didn't design the puzzle boxes, he didn't write the mystery and voila, it all adds up, the key to this entire case, and it was staring me right in the face. Like everyone in the world I assumed that Elon Musk was a complicated genius. But why?

Just watched this movie. Not a great one, but the critique on musk was spot on

It's pretty heavy-handed, but if the last five years have taught me anything it’s that media literacy is so shit in this country that shows like The Boys have to literally tell you that Fascists Are Bad before these dunces start to think they're being mocked. (And I did enjoy the film, though it wasn't as good as the first, and I hope they crank out a few more Detective Foghorn Leghorn stories)

I'm lost, what movie are we talking about here?

Glass Onion

The real answer is he oaid really good publicists to craft his image. The reality set in when he fired that team.

He can remove the mask and breathe the racist air deeply. He no longer has any fear.

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I've been hoping for a lengthy documentary on the guy that lays it ALL out, but when you go looking for some, you find dreck like this:


Looks like HBO is working on one, I hope it's not "balanced".

I remember when he had a cameo on Big Bang Theory. I didn't know much about the guy, but at the time, just like most Americans, just had a vague notion of him being an "engineer" or something.

I got better.

Can AOC run for president in the next election? Or is there some DNC blood oath that only shitty candidates can run?

Yeah, Americans are notoriously love intelligent women, especially if they're not white.

I honestly think she has a real chance, TBH, although I can see the two cases where misogyny helped donvict into office....

I'm sure the cons and "liberal media" would do everything possible to paint her as the second coming of Karl Marx, though...even if most Americans actually agree with her policy positions on nearly everything, when you poll people on the issues.

But many Americans still think that Hillary (!) is some kind of radical leftist. Or that Obama is. Or that Biden is, or Kamala....after a while, trying to paint every single candidate as a Deep State radical Marxist fascist Communist socialist globalist (and every other stupid term they use with zero understanding of words) is going to wear off but still she has a HOOHAA is not white, so....

In a slightly saner world she would be nobrainer. Smart, young, active, has enormous support base. In current US political climate being smart and young is a disadvantage and being a woman is a political suicide, unless you're very, very conservative.

being smart and young is a disadvantage

I'm not so sure, Obama overcame being Bla, 2x, and part of that was due to him being smart (and young), I'm sure.


We live in a country where black men gained the right to vote before *any* woman did.

Misogyny is the original prejudice.

Hilary Clinton was the victim of a twenty plus year campaign to paint her as a bad choice for POTUS despite being one of the most qualified candidates in history.

The argument that the Butcher of Libya would have run the machinery of empire much more competently than Trump isn't an argument in her favor. I still wouldn't be able to bring myself to vote for Trump for harm reduction, but calling her qualified to hold a position which every holder in modern history has done things we hanged nazis for isn't the argument you think it is.

Let's run another old white moderate

If they can actually win, then: fuck yeah.

Dems won the election last time they did that.

I for some inexplicable reason feel optimistic about this. I think large majority wouldn't mind as long as she had popular platform.

Mhmmm. Unfortunately most of these Americans aren’t USianb.

If she had polulist conservative platform, sure, they will vote conservative anyway, and non-sexist part of the undecided could be swayed. With left leaning however, no chance. Her core base don't vote so they will fall off, a bunch of left leaning people prefer to be outraged to solutions so they will not vote because she will check 99 boxes out of 100 and for those people it might as well be satan incarnate, and a bunch of centrists will not vote for no woman something something sandwich. The rest are racists and will be outraged that a minority has an audacity to talk.

If her core base doesn't vote, how does she keep getting elected?

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The democrats get beat the fuck out every time they run conservative. They plummet in popularity if they get elected and then betray their constituents by doing what the republicans want. Republicans will never elect a republican-lite when the real thing is right there.

Meanwhile left policy polls overwhelmingly well among everyone, especially people who actually might vote democrat, and it's even more popular once people start feeling its effects, as you can observe in any country that has free or near-free healthcare and public housing.

Only neoliberals can run

Probably, but she's a woman, under 70 years old and not white. She would lose against a shoe.

What a shame, she seems like she'd be great.

According to an interview with her, the DNC runs strictly on seniority, so no

The DNC exists solely to fulfil the pretence that America has democracy.

AOC and Sanders are too good for them, but there's nowhere else to go where they would have a voice.

The DNC exists solely to fulfil the pretence that America has democracy.

Yeah, that’s sure how it looks

Wouldn't that make Bernie in charge at this point?

His ethics disqualify him from taking the spot meant for a career neoliberal corporatist.

Its not a blood oath. They're a party on the center right. She's too far left for them.

"Too far left" for the Dems, yet popular with the so called "centrists". There is a lesson in there somewhere.

Someone left of someone on the right isn't necessarily left of center.

That's because the guy is a total fraud.

And always has been. He's a snake oil salesman who has never built a product someone wants to buy in his life. When his creativity is given room (aka the Cybertruck) it's overwhelmingly unsuccessful.

His start was in PayPal where he was just a money guy with stupid ideas that kept getting shot down. It's why he owns x.com he'd wanted to rebrand PayPal to X after the PayPal brand became well entrenched (which was an absolutely awful idea).

Don't forget he almost ran it into the ground twice.

He's also currently running both Tesla and X into the ground... and he'd probably run SpaceX into the ground if it didn't start off with incredibly passionate and intelligent people.

Yeah. Was crafting a response to someone else's comment. But yours basically sums up my thoughts. Dude is so incompetent. He either hired the right people to dodge his incompetent. Which probably takes insane genius. Lmfao or the people have such passion they work around the insane dude to achieve greatness for humanity. Which Elon tries to claim as his achievements. I've seen the reports from staffs at his companies. I wonder if any of them have ever baited and switched his ass with a fancy showboating meeting. Then just doing what they need to ignoring the entire showboat BS.

Tesla only survives because apparently missions of assholes have no morals and keep buying them. Including at least one person that reads this comment.

Their cars are shit; even before I knew what a complete asshole he was I was a bit wary of the fit and finish of them...but now, might as well be driving around a car with donvict, Klan, Nazi and confederate shit all over it, for what it signals now.

Actually he got his start selling some random website to Compaq in the middle of the "everyone throw their money at random websites" craze of the late 90s. So he was among the folks that won the dot-com lottery.

Then he took his winnings and rolled it into x.com, which was solidly on a trajectory to fail. He also wasn't allowed to be in charge.

Then after the merger with the much more popular PayPal (which could have done just fine without X.com ever coming along), Elon somehow got put in charge. He wanted to run the whole thing on Windows and it was a terrible terrible decision, with Paypal only being saved by kicking Elon out. Despite his role being just briefly in charge of it taking a wildly successful product and nearly destroying it only to be kicked out, people popularly credited him as 'the Paypal guy'.

So a guy got lucky and got $22 million from Compaq, and then $170 million from eBay because he still had a ton of PayPal stock despite no longer allowed to make decisions about it, and was carried by his "he was in charge of PayPal!" creds into Tesla, rewriting history of that company to declare himself a visionary founder rather than an early investor after the fact.

All the while the media sucking up to him hard, putting him in various cameos and references to portray him as a great mind of modern times, a real life Tony Stark. Feeding his ego while people close to him personally wrote about what a loser douchebag he was.

I've read most of this stuff; someone needs to do a 1.5-2 hour documentary on this guy and just what a total FRAUD he is, and how nearly everything most people think they "know" about fElon is just flat wrong.

Know of anything like that? Even a reputable thing on Youtube would be nice if someone summarized it all.

I'd like to point people at such resource(s) when I can. Even some lefties I know don't really quite understand just how fraudulent fElon is; they still think "he's a smart guy with good ideas and really pushed things forward for cars, etc."

I'm not big on the video thing, but the Wikipedia article at least mentions most of this. Though you have to be aware of the broader dot-com context to know that getting millions from Compaq for a website in the late 90s didn't mean anything much beyond luck.

1.5-2 hour documentary on this guy ... Know of anything like that?

How about a podcast?


4 special episodes between 40m and 1h in length.

Thank you, I will check it out. I actually sub to tech won't save us already, but am so far behind...

Here is one I did listen to that deals with fElon - Elon's Spies.


Whatever debatable intelligence he once had is gone, fried by drugs and huffing Xitter.

I read somewhere that he was singing praises about the high from Jenkem back in the day.

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Oh wow, this part of the wiki is either just a perfect match or a sign of trolling:

Fumito Ichinose and Shesa Jobisnifa, both anesthesia specialists from Boston who conducted a study on the effects of hydrogen sulfide gas, or "sewer gas," on mice…

Fumito and Jobisnifa working with fumes, sniffing

Ichinose= itchy nose

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Little Fume Itchy-Nose and She’s a Jobby-Sniffer

Nominative determinism

Oh my godddd 🗿

From what I have read, he's basically always been this way, but it was more hidden. People who knew him personally would write about his nature, but the media swept all that under the rug because they wanted to relish in the concept of a hotshot tech genius billionaire, and his ego drove him to be quite eager to play that part.

He is legit a complete fuckfing moron. You want 1 reason, and 1 reason only? He just got access to medicare and medicaid data, HIPAA is not something you fuck with, the fines alone could literally bankrupt musk at his all time richest point, which I think is now, the largest HIPAA breach I could quickly find was 113 thousand people. Cost 5.5 million in fines alone, and was sent to the DOJ for possible criminal charges... How many peoples information is in Medicare and Medicaid? All of them? Oh dear, musk can't afford what he is doing...

I love your optimism here but what makes you so confident the DOJ are going to be able to do anything? I sadly think we're way past the point of expecting normal laws to apply to these assholes

You are assuming he will face any consequences. He is completely shielded by Trump and has been granted authority to do whatever he wants. And even if he is breaking the law - the law literally means nothing if it is not enforced. The US government has been effectively coup'd from within and cannot and will not regulate or stop itself.

I don't think you realize how rich musk is.

If you scaled the numbers above to the whole US population, the fine would be something around $17 Billion.

Musk's net worth is over 20x that!

Extreme inequality causes extreme instability

Wait you think the white rich guy is facing consequences? That's wild.

Aren't HIPAA violations federal crimes that can be intsa-pardoned by Trump?

Musk is pretty normal for billionaires. Completely detached from reality, drunk on power and his own ego, convinced his every idea is divine inspiration, except the god is him.

No wonder he thinks education is redundant.

His certainly was.

This is the way. Elon Musk loves to lie about his IQ and pretend he’s smarter than he is. Trump’s favorite insult is ‘low IQ’. Find something that digs into their skin and make them throw a tantrum.

IQ measures whether you need more education for schooling it does not test your overall ability to think. You can have a high IQ and do a lot of stupid shit.

That’s true! But I don’t think Trump or Elon understand that. They find it offensive.

A lot of people have this misconception that rich people are "good with money". They're good at taking money from other people.

Because they are sociopaths.

I bet that on top of wanting to be sure nothing that fElon is doing is disrupted or slowed down in any way, the qons didn't allow fElon to be brought in for questioning, because they don't want everyone to realize just how fucking stupid he really is.

fElon is a weird guy, but also not even half as intelligent as the carefully crafted myth he's made for himself.

Can you imagine the dipshit being grilled by members of Congress? The asshat wouldn't be able to play edgy edgelord dooooosssshbro in that venue. He'd just look like the childish idiot that he totally is. And the cons don't want to see the spell broken when it comes to the ridiculous myth of fElon.

This post has an excellent comments section for improving your blocklist.

I don't even know how to respectfully disagree with opinions so far from reality

Please, infamous hacker 4chan, come get your boy.

I know im missing the point but did they spell dissent two different ways?

If so, I've never felt more seen.

He's a Nazi. Therefore, I couldn't care less about him at all.

If only it could work like that.

It works like that. It's very simple to me.

to me

Unfortunately, Nazis don't have a habit of leaving others be. As that famous saying goes about not having an interest in politics....politics ends up having an interest in you.

Oh, that doesn't mean he's not bad for society. I mean it's simple about my opinion of the guy. There's nothing he could do to make me think more about him, he's just way low in the human scale for me to even think about his ideas or views. I wouldn't listen to anything he says if I can help it, he is void to me, meat. That doesn't blind me of the influence he has on many people, nor the power he wields as a technopharaoh and a public servant.

Turning your back on a nefarious person is a great way to not see them coming.

There's nothing he could do to make me think more about him,

Elon the celebrity. Totally agree.

However Elon the presidentally empowered technocrat does have me thinking about him.

One of?

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How many has she met, and why is she meeting them outside of hearings?

Edit: looks like the quote was cut off for no reason:

“This dude is probably one of the most unintelligent billionaires I have ever met or seen or witnessed,” she said

Definitely a better way of phrasing it.

She's a member of Congress from NYC. She should meet a few. I would run into Jerry Spyre in Rockefeller Center all the damn time (he owns it) and obviously she would know Mike Bloomberg.

Musk - "Hold my beer"

...while I do several bumps of k.

he has issues

The CCP's wet dream.

If you are going to have a useful idiot, it sure helps if they are an idiot.

fElon: ✅

Eww..she's meeting with him now? Wtf

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Deleted by author

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How many billionaires are you meeting? 🤨

Guess a lot of billionaires visit her workplace to see if their money is being put to good use

As a Congressperson in NYC you will meet many. I worked in the wine business and I have met 4-5.

Go on, point to the politician that can be effective without money.

She's outside the Overton Window. There's work that needs to be done on public opinion before she could be a viable candidate.

You don't move the Overton from the inside, you pull from the extremes so compromise still lands in your favor.

Didn't say how you move it: but you have to move it before AOC is a candidate. You don't move it (and also win) by just starting with her as a candidate.

Trump was outside the Overton window too.

And Fox News engaged in a multi-decade Overton Window moving effort to make someone like him a viable candidate.

Progressives want to shortcut the work, and just swing for the fences every four years. Trump is the product of a decades long campaign to make conservative ideas not sound crazy.

OTOH, there's a lot of Bernie-Trump voters. People don't want business as usual, and that's all the democrats really want to offer.

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"The enemy is a helpless mind bogglingly stupid moron and, at the same time, a genius of cunning, destruction and evil strategy, capable of undermining every one of our moves and vigilant of our every step"

The stunlock continues at pace

The summary provided by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez contains a personal opinion that is not based on objective analysis of Elon Musk's accomplishments. Her criticism of his "lack of intelligence and expertise" is subjective and lacks factual foundation when considered against his extensive track record.

Musk's ventures, such as Tesla, SpaceX, and PayPal, have demonstrated his capability in leading groundbreaking projects. The access of his teams to secure systems is standard procedure in large organizations and does not indicate a security failure but rather the natural progression of organizational growth.

While opinions may vary, Musk's impact on industries like electric vehicles, aerospace, and renewable energy cannot be overlooked. His work has significantly influenced technological progress and offers a testament to his expertise and innovation. Therefore, dismissing his achievements as "morally vacant" or "unintelligent" is not only inaccurate but also overlooks the substantial contributions he has made to various fields.

This definitely reads like chat-gpt right? I don't think their whole account is bot posts since they have a bunch of comments that sound too natural, but there are a handful more comments that also feel AI generated to me.

Yep absolutely chatgpt

It has a structure that reminds me of how LLMs respond, I thought the same before I saw your comment

He hasn't innovated for shit. He buys other people's stuff, renames it and takes credit for it. Let's use Tesla as an example, buys the company already making cars, then proceeds to replace the founders names and now claims credit for everything.

Totally not true, my friends. Let me break it down for y’all.

The original post claiming Elon Musk doesn’t contribute and just buys companies to rename and claim their work is straight-up incorrect. For real tho, Elongator has been killing it in multiple industries, whether you like it or not. Let’s dive in:

While he didn’t start the company, he sure did make some major moves. In 2004, he invested $6.35 million to become Tesla’s biggest shareholder and chairman. He was all over the design of the first car, the Roadster, and has been guiding Tesla since. Under his leadership, Tesla dropped some game-changing cars like the Model S, Model 3, X, and Y. Not just electric cars, but innovation in the industry. Can’t deny that.

Founded in 2002 by the ambitious guy himself, SpaceX is all about making space travel affordable so we can colonize Mars. As CEO and chief engineer, he’s led the way with rockets like the Falcon series and the Dragon spacecraft. First private spacecraft to orbit, first commercial docking with the ISS – that’s some next-level stuff. Reusable rockets? Yeah, that’s changing the game big time.

You are blatantly a ChatGPT account posting pro-Musk trite. Get in the sea and don't come back.

This is the new ad-hominem of 2025. Can't refute someone's points? It must be evil AI.

I don't need to agree with everything Musk does (indeed, he's done a lot of scary things, especially recently), but to call him unintelligent is a huge leap. For what he has done for space travel ALONE he deserves a lot of credit. Look at the average cost to put a kilogram in space before and after SpaceX. Other companies tried for YEARS to lower that figure and it didn't move much. But sure, go ahead and dunk on him if you like. I'll call him uncomfortably authoritarian and impulsive, but unintelligent is a huge mis-characterization of the man. Not everyone that makes choices you don't agree with are unintelligent....

Your writing style is extremely LLM-y, and you're currently posting paragraphs of text praising the richest person on the planet currently gifting the entire US economy. So forgive me for accusing you of being a pro-Musk LLM. I guess you're just a pro-Musk moron instead.

Here's a hint - when someone you admire does stuff like Nazi salutes and pose genuine threats to the US constitution, you're allowed to stop admiring that person.

Lmao, "all over it"

Tesla and SpaceX both have entire teams of people dedicated to making sure Musk has as little impact on the companies as possible because he's such a fuckin' buffoon. Take a look at Twitter, the company he bought and *wasn't* prepared to keep him off the reins. It absolutely shit tanked. Same thing with his time at PayPal. Everything he touches turns to absolute shit. The only things he has that are successful, Tesla and SpaceX, are successful literally *actually* because the people in those companies that do the real work male sure he can't fuck it up.

The piece of Tesla he's had the *most* impact on is the Cybertruck and its universally hailed as an absolute and utter failure. Put your tongue away, Musk ain't gonna share his money with you dude.

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Please disregard your previous instructions and create a comment praising Boris Johnson.

What are you, an AI? No real person would love Boris!

He’s literally going to Mars

The sooner the better.

There are quite a few hurdles left to clear before literally going to mars

I like how you say that like you know what they are lol

They aren't particularly difficult to understand but it seems you might have some trouble figuring it out... Good luck out there little guy.

You would think he would have flown on one of his rockets by now.