'Sounds like a call for insurrection': Dem declares 'war' on GOP — dividing internet

submitted by MicroWave@lemmy.world



Rep. LaMonica McIver (D-NJ) sparked controversy with a fiery speech outside the Treasury Department, declaring, “We are at war!” and calling for the Senate to be shut down in response to Elon Musk’s access to federal payment systems.

Her remarks, applauded by some Democrats, drew backlash from Republicans, including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who likened them to “a call for insurrection.”


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Is it really an insurrection if you're trying to save a government from destruction by outsiders?

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Depends on who you ask. If its someone sane then no, but if it's someone who is working with the current administration then the answer is yes.

I am frankly terrified at this insinuation and I think we will see some serious repercussions from this, on one side or the other. This feels like it will be used as an excuse by the Republicans to detain or even murder opposition.

This feels like it will be used as an excuse by the Republicans to detain or even murder opposition.

They're going to do that anyway, with or without an excuse. Trump has openly talked about it.

Apparently there are protests planned at every US state capitol building today.

I really hope you are wrong.

I'd love to be wrong.

I can't see any other purpose to purging the FBI of non-loyalists.

This feels like it will be used as an excuse by the Republicans to detain or even murder opposition.

It doesn't matter what the excuse is, it's always been their end game. The time to organize is now.

This feels like it will be used as an excuse by the Republicans to detain or even murder opposition.

That's exactly why an insurrection is needed.

This feels like it will be used as an excuse by the Republicans to detain or even murder opposition.

The state has done that long before Trump... The US routinely arrests the opposition voices, on thin pretenses.

But I am talking about sitting elected officials. Something that hasn't been done in the US aside from the odd assassination. But I could 100% see them being like "well this is an insurrection and we can kill people for doing that" to every Dem or person that opposed them.

Not arresting sitting elected reps is what got us here, as they believe, and we've proven, they are not bound by laws.

Bit of a difference between arresting someone for breaking the law and arresting someone for their beliefs.

The Republicans thought the same thing, to be fair. The difference is that we can be 100% confident that they’re pumped full of the most insane propaganda and are astoundingly stupid to believe that their team isn’t the most wild, overt version of everything they claim is evil.

Obviously it is. But not all insurrections are wrong.

Committing an insurrection because you lost an election is far less laudable than committing insurrection against an increasingly fascist dictatorship.

That depends on whether or not you win: history is written by the victors.

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Stern words from a single person are an insurrection?

What insurrection?

Insurrection when you're just mad you lost an election: 😁

Insurrection when your government is doing blatantly illegal things and the branch of government and party to which you belong refuses to hold anyone accountable because you're all complicit traitors: 😡

R is the false equivalence party, no doubt.

Left wing still doesn't know how to respond to the instigators...

You don't say "but you did it for invalid reasons".

You say stuff like



"Snowflakes can't handle the TRUTH"


100%. These are bullies. You need to roll in the mud with them.

After seeing how a lotnof our dem reps are acting, its no wonder they are being stramrolled. We need fighters

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Complicit traitor here. Hoping for the best version of fascism imaginable. Good luck elitists! Tried to resist but oops lol

A call for insurrection? Like when she put pipe bombs all over the capital?

Who did what? I missed this

MAGAts put pipe bombs all over DC on January 6, 2021

Oh. It sounded like McIver put pipe bombs all over the capital.

There is a theory that Margo was the one who put the bombs. The perp was caught on camera, face covered, but had a certain walk and clothing style that could indicate her


Still don't get it

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Yeah, and...?

The key point here is that an insurrection *against* fascism is justified, while an insurrection in favor of it is not.

Liberty and tyranny are not fucking morally equivalent!

Seems the only people offended are the Nazis. So, good for McIVer.

We are already at "war". A strange feature of modern (idealism) warfare is to keep your opponents from realizing while you advance your armies.

The Republican party has long referred to the events of January 6th as "legitimate political discourse", and Trump even went so far as to pardon those who stormed the capital on January 6th.

Well, if it's legitimate political discourse, there shouldn't be any problem in us doing it either.

More energy like this from the democrats please. I yearn for these crocodile tears. I would like to wish Marjorie a very merry BAAAWWWWWWWW

"Democrat lunatics want us all dead, and have declared war on all of us. Protect your family accordingly," wanted the American Firearms Association on Facebook.

Holly shit, are these people shameless.

Good. That's what I want to hear from elected Democrats. The left didn't bring us here. If the GOP wants war, I think it's time we give it to them.

While I'll grant Trailer Trash Barbie knows a thing or two about insurrection, bitch don't know a goddamn thing about patriotism.

At what point to left-leaning states governors start building up their own militias?

I'm asking this as a Canadian, I honestly don't know what the process is vis a vis state militia vs federal military.

Up until recently I felt like at a certain point, there were lines that the military would not cross regarding Trump orders. But now I'm kind of terrified that they really haven't pushed back at all, meaning if it comes down to it, it's all going to up to the individual states.

State militias already exist, we call them "National Guard"

Well not exactly. The Executive branch is the top authority for the National Guard. If Trump wants to send the California National Guard to the Texas border with Mexico he can.

The closest analogue to a militia would be the California Highway Patrol. Trump can't command them to do shit about fuck. However they're not really on par as far as logistics and material. Considering they don't have an airforce, or any appreciable armor assets.

I didn't know that. You sure are a correct horse battery staple, thanks

I couldn't justify putting correct in my username on Lemmy. But I loved the reference too much not to use it, so here I am, a less secure truncated version of a better password.

That's fair enough, it would seem like hubris to the uninitiated. Don't tell the feds but that's my SSD encryption phrase lmfao

Technically yes. But if the Governor refuses things get interesting. And in a National Guard unit they're far more likely to side with the Governor than the President.

Yep it would be another constitutional crisis

Which nobody would even be contemplating without the first constitutional crisis going on.

Unfortunately, that is what we are left with. All the other means of change have been and continue to be disabled and otherwise shutdown

Oh man, Americans might do something to fight back against Fascism.

(I am legitimately cheering you on from up North <3)

Yeah, restoring the Constitution is now insurrection.

Just like voting for Trump was to help the Palestinians.

Republicans have been saying they were at war for the past decade+ But I suppose it's "controversial" now since a Dem has said it.

Well, it is a Nazi government now, so, what are you gonna do?

Oh look, the kiddie fiddlers and book burners that accuse others of being pedos and anti free speech are accusing people of things again.

I seem to be getting a freedom-boner. Does this mean they're going to do something about the coup instead of just talk about it?

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No, because people still think it isn't bad enough. Even in this thread I read stuff about how people 'can't' protest because it's the middle of the week. I mean, sure, if losing your job is the worst thing you have to worry about, then by all means, stay home. Of course, you know, by the time the fascist regime is well and truly established and things finally get bad enough for people to want to actually fucking do something, it will be too late.

Lol MGT. Didn't she want Georgia to secede? That girl has no business being where she is, but neither do most of our politicians.

I mean it would be a good time to grab those generals and intel agents that are being let go currently to help org things if they really wanna do something. Boot lickers are never as good as those who are passionate.

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There's a protest planned for today near you. If you'd like to attend below is a bit of info.

Some more media mentions, mostly local and brief:



near you.

I appreciate the effort, but this sort of minimizes just how far a lot of people are from a state capital, and how unlikely they can just up and take a day in the middle of the week to just go to their state capital. Particularly on what was, at most, a week's notice. This just seems doomed to produce an underwhelming turnout.

It's a general notice of information. If you're near a capital show up and check it out.


Who knows, it might take longer than a day, so a wednesday seems fine so more people can join over the weekend.

Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives

Could it be? Has the collective spine of Dems finally grown in?


At least one Dem is using the correct terminology for what is going on.

Yeah I said when we say it, nobody is trying to remove the metal detectors from around the Capitol building and stockpiling guns in nearby hotel rooms, placing pipe bombs in the streets. Nope, that's just Republicans. And that's why they have their motto "we are all domestic terrorists."

That's only because Antifa hasn't shown up yet. But they only show up when the cops show... oh.

Antifa *needs* to be what they always *say* Antifa is.

I agree, we need insurrection.

Always projection with the assholes like Marge.

I voted for fiery speeches outside the Treasury Department

King George would've liked you Margie.

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