Yes, much bonk from mine also. But it took us a little while to come to the understanding that bonk = affection. On his first night at my house he shoved his paw into my mouth whilst I was asleep and I think he was gearing up to try and get his whole leg in.
My cat loves me much that he once woke me up peeing in my face. In cat language that means the ultimate love.
I love how cat owners get so delulu and doormatty.
Plasmosis gondii is such a fascinating parasite.
We are full of parasites , we are parasites.
But yeah, is not like I would repeat it because I like being pee in the face ... hmmm maybe yes ... Hmmm
I can get a blood transfusion from Ghandi? Isn't their blood like super old?
Mine just bonks.
Yes, much bonk from mine also. But it took us a little while to come to the understanding that bonk = affection. On his first night at my house he shoved his paw into my mouth whilst I was asleep and I think he was gearing up to try and get his whole leg in.