Feeling appreciated


submitted by cm0002@lemmy.world

Feeling appreciated

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My cat loves me much that he once woke me up peeing in my face. In cat language that means the ultimate love.

I love how cat owners get so delulu and doormatty.

Plasmosis gondii is such a fascinating parasite.

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We are full of parasites , we are parasites.
But yeah, is not like I would repeat it because I like being pee in the face ... hmmm maybe yes ... Hmmm

Plasma sis ghandi

I can get a blood transfusion from Ghandi? Isn't their blood like super old?

Mine just bonks.

Yes, much bonk from mine also. But it took us a little while to come to the understanding that bonk = affection. On his first night at my house he shoved his paw into my mouth whilst I was asleep and I think he was gearing up to try and get his whole leg in.