DO NOT do it.…
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Is that the guy that fucks couches?
Associated Press did a fact check and concluded that there was no evidence that he didn't fuck a couch.
But then they removed the article, so honestly, jury's out
They removed the fact check that said he HADN'T made sweet love to a couch because their editorial standards require them to be absolutely sure, and there's no way to be certain. After all, who amongst us has not been tempted by a sexy sofa or a charming Chesterfield.
I don't pick his side. #BelieveCouches
Many people are saying so.
Good people. The best ones really. They’re all saying it.
It’s Al Borland with de-aging and eyeliner filters added
I don't think so, Tim
When asked if he was being catty, JD was couchy with his reply.
You know he did it on porpoise
Should be expected when you choose a flipper flopper as a running mate…
Should have been sofa king obvious.
Has anyone published a report to confirm JDVance does not eat used kitty litter? Why is he silent on whether he consumes used kitty litter?
OK, but like, actually don't do this, it's a biohazard, you will actually get charged with a federal crime.
So you're saying that if you were to do this, WHICH YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY NOT DO, you shouldn't use a return address.
Jokes aside, it's not the most difficult thing in the world for the police to track down a sender in the absence of a return address. There can be some security through obscurity but these days it's not nearly as easy to do this as it was 20 years ago, thanks to a number of new factors. Doing this to a nobody and getting away with it is one thing but doing to to a VP candidate is going to have LEOs pulling all the stops to ID you. There's no shortage of people who don't understand this and are shocked when their door gets banged on or kicked in at 3am.
Not your return address. Or mine.
It's not worth it unless you're already in trouble anyway I guess.
Can someone invent a litter robot that drops the turds into an envelope instead of a garbage bag?
*we're gonna need a bigger envelope*
I’m sure we can find a few zoo keepers that work with tigers and lions. It sure if they use liter though…
You can just put the garbage bag in a box and mail the box! That would normally be inside-the-box thinking, but I'm sure it's okay in this case.
If you were to do the thing you should definitely NOT do and send that cat litter to J.D. Vance.
Jokes on you guys, he's into that shit. (literally)
Aside from getting your ass in jail (Still amazing that someone can take part in an attempted coup and not only not serve time, but actually run for office despite how clear The Constitution is about the subject, while mailing cat litter has a real chance of causing you larger legal problems. But I digress), you are just kind of fucking up the work day for the poor slobs who have to go through his mail.
I know this is a meme, but considering he *is* a VP nominee, I'm sure the FBI is gonna be keeping tabs on him, and unfortunately mailing someone used kitty litter is an act that falls legally under "domestic bioterorism". It's the same reason that if (you can prove) a worker spit in your food at a restaurant, they get a cushy room in a federal prison.
I support every bit of *sentiment* from this post, but don't make yourself a felon (both adding to the workforce of legal slavery, and denying yourself the chance to vote against this turd).
I say you should make yourself a felon 34 times
What the fuck am I reading
Literal shitposting
I'm going to need a fork lift. I'm a single old cat guy with a fucking herd of cats that have output to share with him.
I feel like this guy is just getting bullied, whereas people should be deriding his regressive way of thinking instead
Why not both?
Oh yea, because the "They go low, we go high" has been really working the past decade /s
People like JD Vance only respond to might making right. You can talk shit, and kill his ideas, logically until you die. he won't be swayed, even in the slightest. Fascists respond to fascism because it is an inherently violent ideology that they believe will allow them to enforce violence on people they don't like. That is is their language, violence, including shows of "strength" that show you can enact, and enforce, said violence. Things that truly call this into question, being bullied, being on the losing end of violence, and otherwise being made to look "weak" publicly, actually do damage their position within their fascist group because they show that the outsiders are stronger than this person.
I guess that’s a fair point, sometimes ridicule hits better than reasoned debate
Yes, it is sad, but we are beyond being able to reason with the GOP. They know they are, in the long run, the loser if things stay as they are. They realized they need to take the government, take it, if they want to have a real future. They have been orchestrating this for decades. This is coming to a head. It is beyond being able to show them the error of their ways, and that the majority do not like that. They do not care. I will not be surprised if they, at least try, violence. Like real violence, if they lose big in the next ten years, or less.
He is a bully. This is exactly what he deserves.
I missed what he has to do with used cat litter. Can someone enlighten those of us that aren't caught up?
Also, at the risk of being a killjoy, wouldn't the package have to be marked as a biohazard? I'm not sure it would make it through screening to get to him. A lot of loose pet hair from shedding would be cheaper to ship and get everywhere.
Ah, thank you. Lol