Some people are only paying attention to a tiny part of the debate…

submitted a month ago by MindTraveller

Some people are only paying attention to a tiny part of the debate

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MindTraveller [OP] a month ago

The political compass is fake. If all the spaces that existed on the political compass represented coherent ideologies, then capitalists could be anarchists. But there's no such thing as ancaps, and there's no such thing as authleft. Anarchists are leftists and authoritarians are rightists. The means of production can either be owned by the people or by an owning class. It doesn't matter if the owning class is Capital, the monarchy, or the state. They're all the same.

TrickDacy a month ago

This honestly makes a lot more sense to me than that compass ever did. I always felt it was getting at something real, but wasn't a great model of it. I think you probably nailed what reality is here.