Your callous, "thoughts and prayers" was all you ever thought those children's lives were worth.…

Your callous, "thoughts and prayers" was all you ever thought those children's lives were worth.

So pissed rn


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When Trump gets shot, they wear ear bandages to support the former President.

When children get shot, they wear rifle pins to support gun rights.

Well duh. They care about every kind of Donald Trump, but only certain kinds of children. Their children? Yeah, usually. Theoretical future children in the form of fertilized eggs, embryos, fetuses? Totally, moreso than their host mothers even! Children who might be exposed to knowing that LGBTQ+ people exist? Oh, holy fuck, won't somebody think of the children?! All other forms of children? The milkest, toastest of milquetoast reactions to anything happening to them. They would willfully sacrifice those children on purpose to score political points, so of course they aren't mourning them when these kids are lost passively.

In the very same breath, he said "I'm not a Christian." So you think some of his religious supporters would be concerned. But I guess when your cult leader says something that doesn't agree with your view of the world, you don't change your view, you just ignore it.

You'd think they'd be concerned about the repeated instances of adultery, lying, thievery, bigotry, and idolatry. Then again, when offered the choice between Jesus and the criminal, the angry mob chose the criminal. So maybe they're not that far off brand.

Trump has convinced them to 'fight' their fellow Americans for some unknown 'freedoms' they think they're losing. Mostly freedom to religiously oppress those they disagree with, and freedom to be racist bigots.

The Puritans were religiously oppressed into leaving England for the New World. That is what we were all taught as children. This kind of bullshit is why the English didn’t want them around anymore.

So can we push them off to the next place then? We're mostly out of unpopulated landmasses now though, so maybe offer them a nice flotilla of plastic drums and rusted-out truck beds in international water somewhere??

Oooo! Can I build it!? I loved that movie water world. Not because of the plot but just the amazing visuals and adventure of it all.

Sorry. I have so many ideas for this though.

"Paper! Look at it! Smell it! *PAPER!*"

Solve the Falkland islands debate by coming to an agreement that it's where Trump supporters should be exiled to.

by [deleted]

They could go live on the garbage island floating in the ocean. I don't think anyone has claimed that yet.

I once heard a comedian joke about how America was a country founded by people that were too uptight for fucking ENGLAND. And fuck me if it ain't the truth.

Have you ever noticed how some Puritan beliefs parallel with Jehovah Witnesses?

As a non American, I saw an American college football game once with a budget larger than a small country's GDP.

Heck, you could tell Americans that football is killing kids (it is) and they still wouldn't stop. Hell, they could have universal care if they used their country's yearly football budget for only one year. But hobbies matter more than lives. There's no way they'd ever give up the big dick feeling of a gun for a child's life

Yeah. Despite being an absolute shit team, my universities football coach was the highest payed public employee in that state. It's a cult.

Anyone who displays the Gadsden flag then votes for Trump is an absolute troglodyte.

It does! So naturally we must condemn all violence, because if there was a good faith "second amendment person" who would pop off at an aspiring tyrant, that would be too much.

You needn't any moral virtue to condemn assassinations. Assassinations are stupidly ineffective political tools. Especially if you're trying to change the social order instead of enforce it.

Right wing people have been accusing me of hypocrisy for condemning the attempt on Trump's life while considering him a threat to the country. But that argument assumes that political violence works. (which says more about how they think than I)

Right wing people ... assume that political violence works. (which says more about how they think than I)

I guess that's why the shooter himself was one of those right wing people, huh? It's almost like people who aren't right wing tend to disagree with people who are right wing, like there are fundamental ideological differences or something 🤔

Killing people is bad. That's nearly universally agreed upon. I'm not sure why it surprises people when we say "we don't support killing people, even when it's people we don't agree with."

If he would have died, he would have been raised up as a martyr. Martyrdom can be way more dangerous in the greater scheme imo

Disagree. I don’t think his cult of personality survives him.

You give people more credit than I do, but history proven that is potentially not the case

Cults of personality usually don't survive the death of their leader. It's a rare case when somebody else is charismatic enough to step in and replace them. Even in the case where the leader nominates a successor, the cult often loses followers quickly after the leader dies. Usually, the cult withers and either breaks apart into splinter factions as others compete for power, or it dies completely.

The big question is whether his cult is loyal to the party or loyal to him specifically. If it's the former, then they would rally behind the new candidate and Trump would become a martyr for sure. If it's the latter, then it could possibly spell the end of the Republican party as he would leave a power vacuum that would see the voters splinter amongst new contenders and the most extremist core of the cult becomes disenfranchised with the party for not being extreme enough.

Personally, I think we'd see a combination of the two. The Republican party right now has become the party of Trump, with him as the linchpin that the party's policies are based around. The average Republican is loyal to the party to a fault, but Trump's core seems to have drunk the Flavor-Aid like it's Jonestown and they're prepping for the massacre, and I don't think they'd rally around a new leader like the rest would. We've already seen several people try to court Trump's base to little effect, like DeSantis.

I think if Trump died, we'd see the Republican party weaken due to infighting as multiple people try to become the next candidate and restructure the party, with the average Republican rallying around whoever eventually comes out on top and Trump becoming seen as a martyr to the cause. But, I think Trump's core base would splinter and potentially see a number of them leave for more extremist groups outside the party, and the infighting would leave the Republicans weakened for a time, potentially unable to field a strong enough candidate to unite the party for the upcoming election.

My goal wasn't to promote violence, in case that needs a disclaimer. We have no dispute here

To be fair, someone shot him last week.

Doubtful. There’s pictures of his ear from yesterday. It looks fine.

SLIGHTLY shot. A tickle.

Some light treason in the morning, followed by getting slightly shot this afternoon. You've got a busy day today, Donny boy!

I'm going to leave this here so I can come back and laugh at all the gun nuts that are going to blow a gasket

Why? Because you're delusional enough to think that you should give up your right to defend/arm yourself? While a literal fascist is trying to take power?

The ignorance from anti-2a people is astounding.

Haha. You showed up just to get mad and do exactly what I expected. Predictable

I'm not mad, just think it's hilarious how naive/delusional you and others like you are. You're a walking irony. You want the police to protect you, but not because they're want the gov to protect you but not because they're fascist.... it's kinda sad.

Don't put words in my mouth. I haven't given you anything about me, so don't assume you know me. You know what happens when you assume

Naa I know plenty about anti-2a people like you. You're all the same. You want to disarm us all, but then either have no response to how to keep people safe or say asinine shit that goes directly against what you're proposing.

So please tell me righteous one, you get rid of the guns overnight, and trump is elected or 12 years from now another trumpite is elected... what's your plan? The police are still armed and now they (trump/trumpite) control the military, which mind you are mainly made up of gun owners who vote red. So either trump isn't a fascist threat to you or your naive... it's one or the other.

Did I get it all wrong?

It only means that one person's tyrant is just another person's president. The only tyrant they want is one that agrees with them.