Who do think will be VP?


submitted a month ago by Godric

Who do think will be VP?

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[deleted] a month ago, edited a month ago

Maybe I’m out of touch but I don’t think 99%+ of the country could name a single Second Lady besides those who became First Ladies later and I imagine most people can’t name any First Ladies other than Jill Biden, and/or Hillary Clinton, and/or Michelle Obama, and/or Nancy Reagan. Hillary Clinton for obvious reasons deserves an asterisks on that list.

I’m sure they’re great campaigners sometimes but I really don’t see a Second Lady having a meaningful impact on an election unless they’re already a household name and even then I’m skeptical.

halcyoncmdr a month ago

That's kind of my point though. Gabby Giffords was a US Representative that was thrust into the national spotlight when she survived an assassination attempt in 2013 at a public Town Hall.

Unlike most political spouses, she was actually the politician of the couple before Mark Kelly ran in 2020. He's actually very new to politics directly.

[deleted] a month ago

That’s a good point and I feel bad for forgetting about that

halcyoncmdr a month ago

In fact, I hadn't even considered the Giffords assassination attempt as a foil against Trump's use of his own in his campaign advertising.

[deleted] a month ago, edited a month ago

Oh shit that’s also a good point