The Crooked Media Union Walked Off the Job in Strike for Fair Contract

submitted a month ago by jeffw…


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OwenEverbinde a month ago

I feel like if I ran a company, I would have folded my hand after Kellogg's and the Big Three automakers lost their respective labor disputes.

"Oh, these are your demands? Done. Better than selling my customers the media equivalent to glue-frosted pop tarts for the next two months because I can't admit I need my own workers."

I know there wouldn't be any billionaires if people thought that way. It just seems so much more sane and well adjusted.

tate a month ago

The CEOs can't do that even if they thought it a good idea. They answer to shareholder boards.

Notyou a month ago

I know there wouldn't be any billionaires if people thought that way. It just seems so much more sane and well adjusted.

Funny enough the first billionaire was Rockefeller after his monopoly was broken up. He still owned a stake in all the compnaies, so it really just helped him diversify.

OwenEverbinde a month ago

Dragged, kicking and screaming, to unprecedented wealth.

What a strange world we live in.

Battle Masker a month ago

I was worried for a sec until I found out it was a union sticking it to a company named Crooked Media

haui a month ago

Oh wow! Thats pretty awesome. Get 'em! :)