How the Frontal Lobotomy Won the Nobel Prize in 1949

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I don't even have to watch. It was because it looked like a miracle cure, successfully "treating" a lot of ailments.

The problem is it is barbaric and is based on weak or incomplete science. Victims sometimes lived with chronic pain, had secondary complications, and/or died as a result (go figure 🙄). Turns out, treating brains like scrambled eggs isn't good medicine.

I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy

Well, you'll be happy to note that the dinner menu served at the 1949 Nobel banquet seems terrible.....

Starter: asparagus puree

Main course: Cracked goose with red cabbage and horseradish cream

Desert: Napoleon cake

Note that "Cracked goose" is translated via Google from the original Swedish "sprängd anka", directly translated by me it would be "blasted duck" or "exploded duck", which simply means that the duck has been lightly salted.

Mother Teresa (Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu) was given The Nobel Peace Prize 1979. She was not a woman of peace, she "helped" people to needlessly suffer --for religious justifications-- . When accepting the award she criticized countries that legalized abortion - which of course is a big threat to peace /s.

They gave one of those to fucking Henry Kissinger. It clearly doesn't mean what you think it means, if it has any meaning at all.

Stalin was nominated twice

That's not saying anything. Nominations happen by other people, for example for the peace prize other politicians. So politicians under Soviet hegemony would of course nominate their dictator.

Who can nominate people or is nominated is seriously one of the least problems of the prize.

Psychiatry hasn't advanced much since then. It's still largely ruled by pseudo-science, pharma, etc. It's a wacky land of profiteering from social control.

Is there r/radicalmentalhealth yet for Lemmy?

What barbarity we once had.

Anyway, time to prescribe an 8 year old an amphetamine because he fidgets to much when told to sit at a desk for 8 hours.