This Guy Built an Endgame Rocket Espresso Machine | An Engineer's Rocket Appartamento Mods [12:12]

submitted a year ago by cyph3rPunk

My first espresso machine, a rocket appartamento, has turned into a testbed for all my ideas of how much technology you can pack into an espresso machine. Let me share what I've done, and please ask about what you would like to hear more of!

↓PARTS↓ * Dual Pressure Gauge: Bezzera 7432524 on * 24 Power Supply: Mean Well SDR-120-24 * Digital Thermometer: Eric's e61 thermometer, appears to be out of stock :( * Gear Pump: Fluid-O-tech MG304. Reach out to your local modbar technician * Temperature Sensor: La Spaziale Dream Temperature Probe from * Linear Potentiometer: BI model 404 from Mouser, TTI, etc * Controller: Arduino IoT 33 * Capillary tube: Quick Mill RA0970CMN from * Stainless tube: 1/8" F to 1/8" F 30cm V_884 from * Flowmeter: Low Pressure NSF Flowmeter S_962 From


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