Where Roger Rabbit's pal shops?


submitted a week ago by Flying Squid@lemmy.world

Where Roger Rabbit's pal shops?

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Baby Herman is a damn *star* and here he's reduced to "Roger Rabbit's Pal?"

I didn't want to be direct in the title!

Also, my favorite Roger Rabbit quote is: "my problem is I got a 50-year-old lust and a 3-year-old dinky."

Overall an extremely underrated film in the modern era and people who get excited about "crossovers" should still love it for being one of the only (if not the only) times you ever see Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny on screen together. Blows multiverse nonsense out of the water with how big of a deal that was and continues to be.

The deal between Disney and Warners to get Bugs and Mickey on screen together was interesting. It required both characters to have the exact same number of lines and words.

Reads better than "Tommy needy drinky" anyway.

walmart does have a huge new booze department right next to the baby stuff here.

Having had a baby, I won't call that responsible parenting, but I also can't blame them after the 200th leaky diaper explosion.

"Ehhhhh look atchya. Covahad in shite. It's everywhere! Ow manay diapahs ya gunna run through??? Outta just leave ya fancy and panty free, hangin by ya ankles! I'd hose ya off ovah tha lawn, ya filthy animal!

........eugh, it's not ya fault. I'm a terrible father. You don't deserve this. Look at me! It's Tueaday at 2pm, and I'm 6 bottles deep! Aye, laddy, those are no lagers! Those're vodka! 80 proof they are! And here I am can't even stand up! You must think I'm havin' a smoke, but I'm doing tha best I can!!! Ya mudder gone run off into the staircase in the sky! She was an angel that one. Pity you'll nevah meet'er. An now what? I'm left ere with a baby! Oh, come ere, quit yer crying. I'll be sober in the mornin love, and then I'll try to get my shite together.....and get YOUR shite together!!! Did ya seriously shite again??? Where's it commin from, lad??? Ya got a factory inside ya??? GodI hope ya aren't sick.....you aren't, are ya? Cause lord knows I can't afford one more god damned bill......"

What the fuck? These assholes stole my catchphrase

More like bears and whines