The Media Isn’t Ready for Trump’s Mass Deportation Moment

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Imagine this scenario: Department of Homeland Security agents storm a meatpacking plant in the South, a show of force in the largest workplace raid in a decade. Rounding up workers, they target those who appear to be Latinos, without regard for citizenship. They don’t ask for documentation until hours later.

A worker, overcome by fear, makes a run for it and is tackled by immigration agents, with one putting a boot on the worker’s neck for over 20 seconds, as a video of the encounter shows.

You don’t have to imagine this as some far-flung dystopian scenario that could happen in Trump’s second term because it happened during his first, in Tennessee in 2018.


In private conversations with The Bulwark, employees within major newsrooms from ABC News to NBC News, Univision, and the Washington Post expressed doubts as to whether the media is ready to meet this moment.

One veteran NBC News journalist described concerns that the network’s mass deportation coverage would focus on b-roll of immigrants at the border, when the story will largely unfold in the interior of the country: from meatpacking plants to the cities and communities where they live.

“When we keep showing the border, we show that we don’t get it,” the source said. “Stop showing just the border—show churches, show schools, show hospitals.”

“We’ve done a poor job of covering immigration, historically,” Enrique Acevedo, a top Univision talent who interviewed Donald Trump and hosted both the incoming president and Kamala Harris for network town halls during 2024, told The Bulwark. “Most news platforms in the U.S. have focused on what happens at the border and done very little to understand the complexities of immigration coverage. Covering the border to explain our immigration crisis is like covering an ER to explain the COVID pandemic.”

Acevedo added a warning: “This is not a border story—it’s a national story that will have economic impact on entire industries, from food processing to meatpacking plants in Iowa and Nebraska far away from the border. It’s a story about how communities will be ripped apart, with an undocumented community that is overwhelmingly Mexican.”

“The humanitarian catastrophe that deportations will undoubtedly lead to is a story we’re not prepared to cover.”

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The media is largely a bad fucking joke at this point: It's infotainment wrapped in advertisements and is highly complicit in all of this.

When capitalist media is reporting on capitalist society it’s just Idiocracy all the way down, though even that movie had a president who worked toward the common good. Maybe in 2505 we can look forward to finally moving in the right direction.

For years I’ve been hearing Republicans fret about the danger of the federal government and the value of arming the citizenry so they can violently resist the agents when they come. Perhaps this should be the big second amendment moment that they’ve been dreaming about.

Yeah but except it's not.

These assholes fear a federal government that tells them to wear a mask, not a federal government that oppresses brown people.

Resisting the government when it's woke, not when it's fascist.

These people will gladly help the government use their guns against brown people and will vote to take away gun rights for anyone they want to oppress.

These are the same conservatives that yelled states rights to keep slaves and then whined about how northern states weren't returning their slaves in defiance of federal law.

I’m not suggesting that Republicans will do this. I’m suggesting that actually moral people should do this.

We should also keep records of every single person that participated in this project. We will need those to conduct the Nuremberg-like trials after we put this wave of fascism down. Everyone, from the President, to the middle managers, to the storm troopers, to the fucking janitor at the ICE office will need to be arrested, tried, and if convicted, executed. There should be no “just following orders” defense accepted.

Great point. We should have multiple wikis published to name and shame these modern nazis, updated to document every participant.

ICE does massive raids indiscriminately grabbing latinos now. They seem completely prepared to continue to ignore it, just like they ignored us separating kids from their parents, throwing them in cages, and in some cases never reuniting them again.

The 4th estate has been dead since Bush Jr. Not that it had much life in it then.